Recent content by Doug Taylor

  1. Doug Taylor

    High mileage Expys?

    It sounds like you have a leak in one or both rear air springs which probably caused your first compressor to die. But congratulations on getting that many miles out of the originals. To check, spray a solution of dish soap and water on them and look for bubbles. Typically they dry rot around...
  2. Doug Taylor

    Eb rear air ride leak

    Congrats on the new ride. Make sure you find and fix the leak before it kills the compressor. The Arnott rear air springs are actually assembled and tested for them by Continental ContiTech. According to Arnott's web site the air spring bladder "has a tested burst pressure of more than 480 PSI...
  3. Doug Taylor

    Opinions-Experience with converting from rear Air to Coil on 3rd Gen

    If you tow heavier trailers (tongue weight say over 500 lbs.) or often carry a lot in the back - stick with air springs. Air springs will provide auto-leveling for a better, safer, ride. Note: When there is too much weight on the back your headlights will point up too.