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  1. K

    BlueCruise meltdown over Salt Stripes??

    BlueCruise can't figure out where the lane is in this picture. Guessing it mostly relies on cameras and algorithms to determine where the lane is. I've wondered about this when driving through construction zones with poorly painted road lines and it randomly looses its track. But this turned...
  2. K

    '23 towing with HD tow - what are ppl using for keeping level?

    Just traded in our 16 limited for a 23 platinum. I've towed a race car trailer since we had our 2007 expy. The air level in the '07 was fool proof. The auto level dampeners they went to on the '16 worked well but you always left after initial hookup with a little sag, it took a few miles...
  3. K

    23 Platinum heated steering wheel

    Hey all, getting familiar with my new '23 Platinum Max, noticed that the heated steering wheel isn't working. Activiate it via the button on the big screen and the indicator comes on but there's no heat. I know it was one of those delete items for other ford models and trims, but it wasn't...
  4. K

    23 Platinum Max odd faint beep

    A week into riding my 23 Platinum Max, started noticing this faint beep that seemed to be random but I've actually been able to force it now. the sound is like an old digital watch beep, a single short beep, pretty faint kind of like this. Here's the odd part, I've figured out I can force...