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  1. jimz

    costs to install new body mounts, 2008 XLT ??

    I heard knocking. Thought it was inside but could not find it. Looked under body and body mounts have no rubber. What was left crumbled in my hand. What should costs be to replace these? I think there are six? Part numbers? Better to go rubber or poly? Thanks!
  2. jimz

    Spare Tire Location

    Does the spare tire go with face of rim up, or down? Is it OK to mount tire with valve stem down? Or up? Silly question but I've asked other silly stuff. Thanks!
  3. jimz

    2008 Lower Air Dam Out of Place?

    Sometimes we have cats crawl onto the motor. I have been in the habit of slapping the hood, especially in cool/cold weather to give them a head start against the cooling fan hits them in the tail. I blame this problem on them but not sure if it is really their fault. At the bottom of the...
  4. jimz

    2008 Expy XL tow package fast right turn signal caused???

    I get it the rapid turn signal means a light bulb problem but could it mean something else besides a burned out bulb? Is it only for running lights or also inside lights? How about the trailer plugs and wiring to them? I have looked at bulbs and all looked good. Even third brake light...
  5. jimz

    2008 six speed

    Can a 2008 Expedition six speed transmission need rebuild and not have any codes?