We had a '19 Stealth (pictured next to the ST in attached photo). Traded that a year ago when we thought we wanted to downsize to a '23 Explorer ST. The ST is fun to drive, but we found that we miss the size. Last week, our dealer needed to replace a tire due to a screw in the sidewall, needless to say they really scratched the wheel up. Dealer will take care of it, but also knows we are looking to upgrade back to an Expy. He had already ordered exactly what we had but in a '24 with the 303A package earlier in the week and is willing to give us a great deal on it if we choose not to have the wheel on the ST replaced. It would be here in approx 3 months. I was hoping to wait until the 25's were out, but not sure I can pass up on this deal. I like the idea of the Sync4 with having that in my '21 F150 and the larger screen too. Hindsight is 20/20 and should have never traded the '19 as we really liked that one!