So I traded in a 2022 F150 on a sweet leftover 2023 Expedition a while back. I love this SUV and never was a pickup guy so no regrets...except one. The keypad on the door sucks compared to the F150 version. It seems like I have to try my combo 1-5 times to get the door to open. Sometimes I'm lucky to get it on the first shot and other times I stand there cussing trying over and over. The touch sensors are just not sensitive enough and it is hard to see in daylight to begin with. The F150 had actual buttons that clicked and I was able to get in or lock the door on the first attempt every time no problems.
Is there any way to swap the pillar with an F150 pillar with switches? Any other possible retrofit ideas?
Yes, I have the app, but sometimes I forget to unlock the door ahead of time and it is a pain to pull out and unlock my phone even if I am not carrying something. It takes forever for the door to open from the app sometimes, so I would much rather just use the keypad like I did on the F150. Maybe if the key fob wasn't as big as a banana, I would actually carry it in my pocket rather than leaving it in the center console... No way am I carrying that thing.
Is there any way to swap the pillar with an F150 pillar with switches? Any other possible retrofit ideas?
Yes, I have the app, but sometimes I forget to unlock the door ahead of time and it is a pain to pull out and unlock my phone even if I am not carrying something. It takes forever for the door to open from the app sometimes, so I would much rather just use the keypad like I did on the F150. Maybe if the key fob wasn't as big as a banana, I would actually carry it in my pocket rather than leaving it in the center console... No way am I carrying that thing.