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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      I picked up my expy last Saturday. New ABS module installed and programmed. So far it has been the fix. Hopefully it stays that way!
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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      Oof fingers crossed for you. I finally took mine to a dealership after trying myself and even hiring a mobile mechanic/electrician...
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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      I checked all the grounds in the engine compartment. Haven’t checked the ones in the cab yet. Got a new battery. The other day the truck...
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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      Connectors and posts were cleaned thoroughly. Haven’t switched to a known good battery but I did have it tested and it came back fine...
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      MTX65 reacted to 99WhiteC5Coupe's post in the thread No start with Like Like.
      Have you cleaned the battery cable connectors with a battery brush tool and switched to a known good battery?
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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      Had the battery checked (voltage and load tested) and it all came back normal. I’ll have to look into drop testing.
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      MTX65 replied to the thread No start.
      I checked the run/start relay via multimeter. Shows it’s operating normal. I’m seriously at a loss.
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