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      spav8r replied to the thread Absolute struggle.
      I’m out of town until Monday but from what I remember maybe even just an inch would be enough to get the pickup passed the windage panel.
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      I wish I had read this before I started, but here I am at the reassembly phase! Useful tip on using the old crank seal to drive the new...
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      I know the timing job has been beaten to death on this forum but here's my notes on the job (my model: 2011 EL Limited 4x4) to help...
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      spav8r replied to the thread Absolute struggle.
      I've considered that, but I don't have a hoist and I'm not sure if it'd be safe to loosen the mounts and jack it up by the transmission...
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      spav8r replied to the thread Absolute struggle.
      I actually got that third bolt out without removing the steering shaft, I basically rotated the shaft to where I could pull out the bolt...
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      spav8r reacted to mjp2's post in the thread Absolute struggle with Like Like.
      I replaced my oil pan on my 2010 some years ago and don't remember having any issues. Maybe remove the oil pickup, put it in the pan...
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      spav8r reacted to eddytheexpy's post in the thread Absolute struggle with Like Like.
      oh dude, I just did that like last week on my 2011 (4x4) at the end of the timing job so I feel your pain. I think the 2011-2014's have...
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      spav8r replied to the thread Absolute struggle.
      Alright, I'm back again unfortunately. Really looking for advice on this. I'm at the point that I'm trying to put the oil pan back on...
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      spav8r replied to the thread Absolute struggle.
      Ok, I came back to it after checking off a few other steps. I was able to get the dang thing off but it ended up loosening the oil...
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      2014 Expedition. In the middle of a timing job, gotten to the point of dropping the oil pan since I couldn't get the second bolt off...
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      I am getting prepared to have to do the timing system overhaul on my 2014. I have watched most if not all of Makuloko's videos so to...
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