Recent content by 03Expeditiondgaf

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    Popping Noise From Rear A/C Blower '03 Expo

    You can pull off the trim from the top with the drink holder on it and the ac blend door actuator is almost certainly the culprit. Replacing it is easy and the unit costs around $20 on amazon
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    Suspension lift on 2nd gen 04

    Well it is my understanding that the expedition. Is an enclosed F150 so an F150 lift kit for the same era should match up with minimal customization to the kit
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    Changing my plugs and the coil mount cracked where it screws into the valve cover. Any solutions to rig?

    Stuff some thin wire or zip ties into the hole and proceed to tighten it down the threads should grab onto it and hold on like an anchor you would use in a wall