2017 XLT 6cyl ecoboost
So, my front ac has stopped working, it no longer blows air out at all hot or cold(the rear is still blowing fine, both hot and cold). I replaced the blower motor, the resistor, and the resistor wiring harness. Whoever had this suv before me did a really horrible job when they "fixed" the same issue(soldered the wires to the pins in the resistor). I made sure to splice in the wiring correctly. I also replaced a couple of fuses that had corrosion on them. After replacing those things, my ac still isn't blowing air in the front. What else could it be? I'm able to turn the ac on/off with the buttons and touch screen and the rear audibly turns off/on. The blend door actuator is acting up(clicking noise anytime I open the door, turn the ignition on, switch from hot to cold), but it's been doing that since we bought the SUV and hasn't caused any issues with the ac(heat was hot, and cold was, well, cold). I'm trying to avoid spending hundreds or thousands on something that could be a simple fix that I can do myself. Any help is appreciated.
So, my front ac has stopped working, it no longer blows air out at all hot or cold(the rear is still blowing fine, both hot and cold). I replaced the blower motor, the resistor, and the resistor wiring harness. Whoever had this suv before me did a really horrible job when they "fixed" the same issue(soldered the wires to the pins in the resistor). I made sure to splice in the wiring correctly. I also replaced a couple of fuses that had corrosion on them. After replacing those things, my ac still isn't blowing air in the front. What else could it be? I'm able to turn the ac on/off with the buttons and touch screen and the rear audibly turns off/on. The blend door actuator is acting up(clicking noise anytime I open the door, turn the ignition on, switch from hot to cold), but it's been doing that since we bought the SUV and hasn't caused any issues with the ac(heat was hot, and cold was, well, cold). I'm trying to avoid spending hundreds or thousands on something that could be a simple fix that I can do myself. Any help is appreciated.