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    • C
      caddelma replied to the thread Towing Boat.
      Would not expect you to have any problems pulling a boat of that weight/size, even with 2wd. Depending on your gear ratio, it may be a...
    • C
      Yes. They replaced the transmission output seal twice if I remember right, along with opening up the transfer case guessing that to be...
    • C
      Went thru the same headache back over the summer. Finally puked fluid all over the interstate. Finally got a rebuilt transmission...
    • C
      caddelma replied to the thread removing CCD.
      Has any one ever tried to remove the "bung" on the side of the shock to "fool" the system in to thinking the CCD shocks are still installed?
    • C
      caddelma replied to the thread removing CCD.
      Off-road Research has a device that is supposed to allow non-CCD shocks to be used. This is supposed to work for up to 2021, even though...
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