2017 expedition 100,000 miles, and I'm looking for any ideas of what caused this/ what to do.
I was heading up a mountain pass in low 80 degree temperature going 25-30mph no issues until I pass 10,000 feet in elevation and then it stalls. CEL comes on and the dash reverts to what it would look like if I was parked and turned the key to run. I was able to start it after two cranks (never taken more than one before) and it ran for about 5-7s at a time before stalling (this was not fun when doing a u-turn on a narrow road with no guardrails).
After coasting downhill below 10k and restarting it ran perfectly fine and never stalled again .
P0627 code was found stored, (related?)
Using 87 octane gas
Checked air filter -perfectly clean
Checked for vacuum leaks at home- none found.
I have checked this forum, and the F-150 EB threads and I can't seem to find anyone else with this specific altitude issue, if anyone has an idea where to even start I would be very appreciative.
I was heading up a mountain pass in low 80 degree temperature going 25-30mph no issues until I pass 10,000 feet in elevation and then it stalls. CEL comes on and the dash reverts to what it would look like if I was parked and turned the key to run. I was able to start it after two cranks (never taken more than one before) and it ran for about 5-7s at a time before stalling (this was not fun when doing a u-turn on a narrow road with no guardrails).
After coasting downhill below 10k and restarting it ran perfectly fine and never stalled again .
P0627 code was found stored, (related?)
Using 87 octane gas
Checked air filter -perfectly clean
Checked for vacuum leaks at home- none found.
I have checked this forum, and the F-150 EB threads and I can't seem to find anyone else with this specific altitude issue, if anyone has an idea where to even start I would be very appreciative.