Yea, that will all go away once you hit 50 posts. You will become a Full Access Member. After that, we can all play with rankings. Start thinking of some ideas.
i originally thought about stars like on Ebay...but what about vehicle wheels for so many post...and engines for started we can have steering wheels, wheels w/tire, heres a good least i thinks so...
how about for your projects...i.e audio...engine swap or rebuild trans/engine...with buttons that will caculate start and with the start and can have it broke down by days/hrs/mins and/or hours only. if it cant caculate then just start date/completion date...
maybe the post for that section can be more like a journal entry then people can comment/question on the side...
for audio rebuilds or new systems...have subs for new system, subs+components for rebuilds, and just regular 5x7 or 6x9 speakers for swaps or regular if i changed my subs there can be oval speakers