2008 EL 189 000 miles. Went into limp mode while my son was trying to move back from school, Dead pedal and wrench on display. Codes all relate to throttle position, throtle controler, replace those and no difference. tried a new pedal, no change. Toned out the wires that should supply power to the gas pedal, 2 of them. Car will still idle but not well even with pedal totally disconnected. One wire has .8 to 1.6 volts at idle, varies with engine surge. Second wire has no voltage coming out of PCM. Thinking the PCM has gone bad BUT there are so many variables. Does anyone know a test procedure for the PCM or happen to have a wiring diagram for the throttle control system? Also concerened about a possible short in a wiring harness, At this age the plastic covering is starting to crack in multiple locations and the factory routing of the wires does not keep them off the motor in multiple locations, all of this could be a wear problem just presenting itself in the throttle system ???? any feedback is appreciated.